Download CBSE Class 10 Sample Papers 2024: Download the previous model papers of Class 10 and analyze the marks given to each subject. This will help students understand various subjects and increase marks, including question type, marks distribution, probable questions, trends or patterns, etc.
Apart from this, question papers are available for various fields including additional subjects like Computer Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics. To get high grades, students should solve CBSE Board Class 10 Sample Papers 2024 so that solving those questions will boost their morale and they can do better, also solving these question papers will help the candidates to know the exam pattern properly.
CBSE Class 10th Sample Paper Download 2024
Features | Details |
Full Exam Name | Central Board of Secondary Education |
Short Exam Name | CBSE 10th Board |
Frequency of Conduct | Annually |
Exam Level | 10th |
Exam Duration | 3 Hours |
Exam Months | Feb – March |
Direct Download CBSE Class 10th Model Papers 2024
CBSE Board Class 10 previous model papers 2024 contain objective, compulsory, and optional questions that help students allocate their time efficiently during the exam. The previous model papers for all subjects are given in the table below. The prior year’s CBSE Board Class 10 question papers are available for compulsory subjects. The links to download each subject’s 2024 Previous Year model paper PDF file are below.
Subject | Link | Link | Link |
Math | Set-1 | Set-2 | Set-3 |
Science | Set-1 | Set-2 | Set-3 |
Social Science | Set-1 | Set-2 | Set-3 |
Hindi | Set-1 | Set-2 | Set-3 |
English | Set-1 | Set-2 | Set-3 |
Computer | Set-1 | Set-2 | Set-3 |
CBSE Board Class 10 Marking Scheme 2024
Students need to understand the marking structure for each subject as they prepare using the CBSE Class 10 Previous year’s question papers 2024. Additionally, students must know the total marks and number of questions asked subject-wise in the CBSE Board Class 10th Sample Papers.
Subject | Theory Marks | Internal | Total Marks |
Mathematics | 80 | 20 | 100 |
Science | 80 | 20 | 100 |
Social Science | 80 | 20 | 100 |
English | 80 | 20 | 100 |
Hindi | 80 | 20 | 100 |
Other Subjects | 80 | 20 | 100 |
Benefits of Solving Sample Paper
Benefits of Solving CBSE Board 2024 Sample Papers for Class 10. Students can improve their marks in their upcoming board exams by using CBSE Board Sample Papers Class 10. After completing the CBSE Board 10th syllabus, they must solve the previous year’s question papers. It has many benefits.
- Students can better understand the CBSE Board 10th exam pattern by completing the CBSE Board Sample Papers.
- To adjust the speed successfully, students can check how much time they spend on each question.
- Solving the previous year’s exam questions will increase students’ confidence.
- Sample Papers will provide detailed information about each chapter.
CBSE Board Class 10 Exam Preparation Tips and Trick
Students can plan their CBSE Board Class 10 exam preparation by keeping in mind the below-mentioned points:
- By the end of last month’s Year, all students should try to complete their CBSE Board Class 10 syllabus. This can prevent students from getting anxious at the last minute and give them time to revise.
- To understand the test format and increase their writing speed, students should solve all the previous years’ CBSE Board Class 10 questions in 2024.
- Stay in touch with teachers and ask friends or teachers for any queries.
- Students need to continue exercising daily and eat a balanced diet. They also need to maintain a positive attitude about the upcoming exams.